Saturday, September 21, 2013

The New Tzar

It's been a long while since I wrote anything but I just had too after I saw this one:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Syria's chemical weapons cache was built up in response to Israel's alleged nuclear weapons stockpile" (Putin in Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, north of Moscow).
Well like every Tzar before him putin chose the easy way, he blames the Jews for all the trouble, never mind that his country supported the Syrian dictator in every way, the 1400 Syrian men women and children Asad killed died because of the Jews.

You might rightfully say that Asad built is arsenal to deter the Israelis from attacking him or you also can say that this weapon was built to kill Israelis  but Asad like every other scruples dictator has a problem conceiving the meaning of a weapon as a deterrence; 
and like every other dictator he cares about his throne more then anything else and
the ones who put this power in Bashar Asad hand should be held responsible for the acts committed. 

The question rises, who gave this power to Asad?
Well it is no secret that Bashar Asad's father gave refuge to nazi ware criminals (see  "alois brunner");
The reason for his hospitality was no other then chemical weapons development which were developed and produced with nazi help.
And if  the "sarin gas" used in Syria reminds you of something this is because it is a nazi invention used in WWII.
So we have nazi know-how combined with Syria's  army based on Russian weapon to establish Syria's Doom day chemical arsenal.

Well mister putin if you join forces with nazis no wonder blame the Jews !!!

I bet  another name of a scruples dictator sitting on a stockpile of atomic weapons comes to mind after reading this blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Revolution in Egypt

As I’m writing these lines the army has taken control in Egypt and they promise election in 6 months.
Even for a skeptic like me it was really heart warming to see the young people revolting in Tahkrir square and send Mobark home.
If you read my previous post you will know why i'm skeptic about democracy in the Arab world.
The result of this revolt will probably be a more radical Islamic rule but even though the people in Tahkrir square deserve some applause for what they done and for their sacrifice.
President Obama support looks great in American eyes but most Arab leaders see now the US as someone who can’t be trusted, taking sides in internal matters is always a bad idea and the US learnt nothing the past 60 years.
Obama did bet on the right horse, he also did well in Iran where he choose to go easy on ahmedinijad (the atomic bomb is a most democratic tool and hence no democracy is needed in Iran).
As I see things a "spring of nations" in the Arab world is not possible as long as the Iranian regime stands, if the aittolas shall fall there is a slight possibility for secular democracies to rise in the Arab world.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Democracy in Iraq ?

You might be wondering why I'm writing about this issue 7 months after the elections in iraq, well it's a new blog and I have some catching up to do with the world events.

As for now Iraq is the only democracy in the arab world but will it last? there isn't any precedent of this sort and why is it so?

Well all the arab states are of course muslim states, states who believe in the prophet Mohammed who was the first head of a muslim state called the Oma.
So it must be clear that muslims see the religious leader of the state and the political leader as one and no other arrangement shall be accepted by Islam.
Since islam and democracy do not coincide a fight for democracy in an islamic country is actually a fight against islam and therefore has slim chances to be won.

The real sad thing about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is that so many soldiers die in fights in a fight for a lost cause as installing democracy in an muslim states.

See ya all soon, maybe with a lighter subject next time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Bransons of This World

To tell the truth I really got tired of the Richard Bransons of this world.
Once every few years they come to the middle east, shoot some Photo ops with Shimon Peress and start selling their one dollar merchandize, and it goes like this:

First We will help boost the Palestinian economy (surly this will make them a peaceful bunch).
Second Israel must return to 1967 borders - and all the problems of the region shall be solved.

And why do I think this stuff is BS, Lets start from the second argument,
If 1967 borders where such a good platform for a long lasting peace then why did the arabs use them as a platform for war till 1967 ? why didn't they sign a peace contract then?

Further more after Israel left Gaza the Palestinians democratically elected the hamas movement which does not recognize the right of Israel to exist. The hamas is the only democratically elected ruler in the arab world and no doubt it portrays the true wishes of the Palestinians.

So Sir Richard Branson is entitled to invest or donate to establish a strong Palestinian economy, BUT the minuet Israel redraws from Judea and Sumeria it all becomes hamas property and they have goals much higher in their priority ladder rather then the welfare of the Palestinian people.

Enough said for today,  see ya all soon.