Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Democracy in Iraq ?

You might be wondering why I'm writing about this issue 7 months after the elections in iraq, well it's a new blog and I have some catching up to do with the world events.

As for now Iraq is the only democracy in the arab world but will it last? there isn't any precedent of this sort and why is it so?

Well all the arab states are of course muslim states, states who believe in the prophet Mohammed who was the first head of a muslim state called the Oma.
So it must be clear that muslims see the religious leader of the state and the political leader as one and no other arrangement shall be accepted by Islam.
Since islam and democracy do not coincide a fight for democracy in an islamic country is actually a fight against islam and therefore has slim chances to be won.

The real sad thing about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is that so many soldiers die in fights in a fight for a lost cause as installing democracy in an muslim states.

See ya all soon, maybe with a lighter subject next time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Bransons of This World

To tell the truth I really got tired of the Richard Bransons of this world.
Once every few years they come to the middle east, shoot some Photo ops with Shimon Peress and start selling their one dollar merchandize, and it goes like this:

First We will help boost the Palestinian economy (surly this will make them a peaceful bunch).
Second Israel must return to 1967 borders - and all the problems of the region shall be solved.

And why do I think this stuff is BS, Lets start from the second argument,
If 1967 borders where such a good platform for a long lasting peace then why did the arabs use them as a platform for war till 1967 ? why didn't they sign a peace contract then?

Further more after Israel left Gaza the Palestinians democratically elected the hamas movement which does not recognize the right of Israel to exist. The hamas is the only democratically elected ruler in the arab world and no doubt it portrays the true wishes of the Palestinians.

So Sir Richard Branson is entitled to invest or donate to establish a strong Palestinian economy, BUT the minuet Israel redraws from Judea and Sumeria it all becomes hamas property and they have goals much higher in their priority ladder rather then the welfare of the Palestinian people.

Enough said for today,  see ya all soon.